Blog About PSD 2 xHTML Conversion

Inline-Block vs Float

Inline-Block vs Float to knowInline-block and float seems to be alike at first sight. What is more, both these statements can be used to accomplish the same visual effect. You can use them both to create a whole range of other commonly used web patterns. Let’s try to find the differences that help you to make the right choice.

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IE Meta Freeze Issues

IE Meta Freeze Issues to knowThe IE team provides some standartistas that should make our life easier as well s to avoid such problems in next IE releases. A new meta tag with the browser version the site was built for was introduced. It is a perfect solution for the IE team to make sure that if we render our documents in a specific version, these documents won’t break ever again.

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CSS3 Headache

CSS3 tips to knowNothing is perfect in this world and CSS3 with its background color gradient proves this rule one more time. It is not for shortening CSS code, but only for making it more variable. We all suppose that with CSS the necessary colours can simply defined while the browsers do all the drawing. Sounds great, but don’t work in practice… at least as you expected.

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HTML5 Basics

HTML5 tips to knowHTML5 offers another update that should help you to nest every element inside a link tag. On other words, block level links should solve the problem of linking bigger areas constructed from divs, headings and/or other block level elements. However, it is just theory. So, let’s check it in practice.

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IE6 CSS Fixer – inline-block

IE6 CSS Fixer tips to knowSuppose it is unnecessary to explain in details the specifics of the inline-block display value. The main problem with it is that it has no support in older browser versions. IE6 and IE7 have partial support only while FF2 has –moz specific support. Let’s try to use the following to fix the problem…

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Structure vs Semantics in HTML

Structure in HTML tips to knowMany web developers still use HTML as the best way for constructing to add CSS, javascript and some other enhancements to their web documents. However, more and more people start talking about semantic value of HTML. Sometimes, we take the advice too literary and this may lead to various unnecessary problems with HTML.

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Semantics for Search

Semantics tips to knowTalking about HTML we usually highlight its structural function. However, this time we are going to discuss semantics especially the reasons why it doesn’t provide us with all the advantages promised. The truth is that we spend so much time and effort on writing structurally and semantically valuable html not for screenreader users only.

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How to Create Triangle in CSS

Create Triangle in CSS tips to knowSome web developers use extra wrapper with a background image over empty elements every time they are trying to create triangle. There are several techniques to create triangles in CSS and here are some of them to try. Using the following tips you will take advantage of a browser drawing the borders at angles.

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Web 2.0 Myths

Web 2.0 Myths to knowWeb 2.0 is a social web, but is it really so? Of course, the main idea of building the web together is quite attractive. We can share information, organize data, find out something new. But does it resemble you so desired communication when you can forget about loneliness? Don’t forget that social web sites are the places dominated by statistics.

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Usability vs. Usefulness

Usability and Usefulness advice to knowUsability is a new guru of today’s internet marketing. Experts can spend hours on arguing and drawing so that the users can click once instead of twice to reach the information they need. No confusion, no time wasted, no uncanny interfaces. Everything is created to make your life easier and more comfortable.

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