Posts Tagged ‘code’

CSS Basics

CSS tips to knowAll we know that there are three things to consider while creating a web page – content, form and function. CSS is in charge of the form of the web page if it is html-based. This article contains the review of the very basics of CSS, so that you get an idea of its functioning with modern web deign. Hope this time all the explanations will be clear for you.

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CSS Transparency

CSS Transparency tips to knowTo make some element transparent you can use the css3 property opacity. This css3 property provides you with decent cross-browser support. This property accepts a value between 0 and 1 with 0 – totally transparent and 1 – no transparency at all. As usual, none of the IE browsers accept this property.

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CSS Specificity and Exactness Explained

CSS Specificity and Exactness to knowCSS is all about cascading or waterfall principle. You may know this principle, but still some ways CSS is constructed are obscure. So, let’s try to find out the specificity of CSS selectors that are abased on the struggle for dominance principle. First of all, we should interpret the concept of CSS specificity…

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CSS Selectors Guide

CSS Selectors tips to knowWe have already discussed CSS selectors that could be used without worrying about browser support in our previous articles. Now we are going to talk about the selectors that can quite useful in some browsers, but fail to work cross-browser. If you are going to style document, the selectors explained can help you a lot.

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Basic CSS Selectors

Basic CSS Selectors to knowIt is not so hard to write rules for a specific document, the other thing is to write CSS for entire site. It is advisable to verify that when a context is defined, it is necessary for an element to appear within that context to receive its defined style. In css, pattern matching rules determine which style rules apply to elements in the document tree.

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Conditional CSS

Conditional CSS tips to knowIt is desirable that browser specific bugs should be targeted and fixed each browser specifically with no impact on the way general CSS is written. If a bug is fixed in a certain browser version, we need a possibility to remove fixes without worrying about browser compatibility.

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Class Attribute

class attribute tips to knowClasses help you to structure your document as well as add semantic meaning to elements where html falls short. It is better not to apply too many classes on one single element and avoid classes that contain behavior instead of semantic meaning. In case you use the class attributes correctly, you will get flexible and future proof structure to your documents.

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The Address Tag

Address Tag tips to knowTrying to be a professional web designer we try to learn everything necessary about web standards and even more. Now you know a lot about screen readers and people with disabilities browsing the web, how machines differ from humans as well as about semantics and syntax. All this is quite useful.

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At-Rules to Consider

At-Rules to knowAt-rules are instructions or directives to the CSS and can be used for a variety of purposes. There are quite a lot of facets specific to the page at-rule. However, many at-rules don’t work on any browser, so we offer you the basic information concerning at-rules that help you to get the idea without wasting your time on reading a lot of stuff.

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Page Layout

Page Layout to knowHere you can find some general information about position and floating. The main issue of this article is the larger chunks of a page. However, you can represent any web design with the right combination of positioning, floating, margins, padding and borders. Just look at each part of the page as individual chunk.

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