Posts Tagged ‘cross browser’

CSS Transparency

CSS Transparency tips to knowTo make some element transparent you can use the css3 property opacity. This css3 property provides you with decent cross-browser support. This property accepts a value between 0 and 1 with 0 – totally transparent and 1 – no transparency at all. As usual, none of the IE browsers accept this property.

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CSS Specificity and Exactness Explained

CSS Specificity and Exactness to knowCSS is all about cascading or waterfall principle. You may know this principle, but still some ways CSS is constructed are obscure. So, let’s try to find out the specificity of CSS selectors that are abased on the struggle for dominance principle. First of all, we should interpret the concept of CSS specificity…

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CSS Selectors Guide

CSS Selectors tips to knowWe have already discussed CSS selectors that could be used without worrying about browser support in our previous articles. Now we are going to talk about the selectors that can quite useful in some browsers, but fail to work cross-browser. If you are going to style document, the selectors explained can help you a lot.

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The Basics of Cross Browser Compatibility and CSS Hacks Usage

Cross Browser CompatibilityIt is necessary for a good CSS developer to be familiar with the individual browsers and know what CSS versions and levels of compliancy they support. Take into consideration the flaws of IE design and the things that look perfect in Mozilla browsers and terrible in Internet Explorer as well as just break in Netscape.

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How to Avoid CSS Hacks for Internet Explorer

CSS Hacks to avoidWith most web developers still confusing about the usage of CSS hacks and Internet Explorer some information about the code testing and implementing good CSS hacks is still necessary.The following examples from the code make your CSS will work perfectly across all browsers.

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5 Things to Know about CSS Hacks for Internet Explorer

browser CSS Hacks for IECSS hacks are necessary evil that helps us to do our best with default CSS rules. They remain to be essential to make our websites look great across various browsers and especially for Internet Explorer. The good thing is that there are only few of them that really matter. So, to create a list of the most necessary CSS hacks is quite possible.

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Cross Browser Detection Using CSS Hacks Explained

browser CSS Hacks to knowAll we know that CSS more attractive for web developers. However, there are still some problems that keep the developers from using it. The problem is in interpreting CSS commands in different ways that is a usual thing for browsers. Learn more about CSS and different browser interpretations stop to be a mystery for you.

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