Posts Tagged ‘firefox’

CSS3 Headache

CSS3 tips to knowNothing is perfect in this world and CSS3 with its background color gradient proves this rule one more time. It is not for shortening CSS code, but only for making it more variable. We all suppose that with CSS the necessary colours can simply defined while the browsers do all the drawing. Sounds great, but don’t work in practice… at least as you expected.

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HTML5 Basics

HTML5 tips to knowHTML5 offers another update that should help you to nest every element inside a link tag. On other words, block level links should solve the problem of linking bigger areas constructed from divs, headings and/or other block level elements. However, it is just theory. So, let’s check it in practice.

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Browsers Wars

browsers wars to knowWar is evil or just another chance for improvement? The latter statement can be true for browsers development history. Today we can observe the battle between IE, Mozilla, Opera and Safari. There are two battlefields but the results are obvious for global users. Notwithstanding various complaints, IE still doesn’t have adequate rival.

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CSS Transparency

CSS Transparency tips to knowTo make some element transparent you can use the css3 property opacity. This css3 property provides you with decent cross-browser support. This property accepts a value between 0 and 1 with 0 – totally transparent and 1 – no transparency at all. As usual, none of the IE browsers accept this property.

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The Best CSS Editors for Mac

CSS Hacks to knowWith more web developers using Mac, good Mac focused software for creating and editing CSS files has become more popular today. Here are some CSS editors reviews that include the best tools for the job and can improve your workflow as well. Learn more about their advantages and drawbacks to make the right choice easily.

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10+ Top CSS Editors to Try

Top 10 CSS editorsProfessional developers as well as newbies can take advantage of various CSS-editors. Today various tools and features for CSS-design integrated in one CSS editor. In case you are interested in quick and effective coding workflow, let’s find out what CSS-editors are the best.

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Cross Browser Detection Using CSS Hacks Explained

browser CSS Hacks to knowAll we know that CSS more attractive for web developers. However, there are still some problems that keep the developers from using it. The problem is in interpreting CSS commands in different ways that is a usual thing for browsers. Learn more about CSS and different browser interpretations stop to be a mystery for you.

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CSS Hacks for… Everyone

CSS Hacks to knowHere you can find all the necessary data concerning CSS hacks for Safari, Internet Explorer 7, Opera, etc., that sometimes really make problems. It is not so easy to remember them at once, so I write down several of them and offer you to use my “notes”. Hope that make your life easier…

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